WANA News!
Thank You!
Our team here at WANA would like to extend our encouragement and gratitude to our former President, Kate Hobin, as she departs our organization to pursue her next chapter! We are grateful for the guidance we’ve received through our start-up phase and we are excited to watch WANA’s continued evolution in the pursuit to share Art from the Heart!
WANA and Rotary Club of Osoyoos- Osoyoos Mural Project Partners Announcement.
Thank you Alex Nunes for your support and donation! Bruce Hobin, President Elect, Rotary Club of Osoyoos pictured receiving a donation from Alex Nunes, owner of the Building (occupied by Fields Store) that was selected for the installation of a Mural Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Osoyoos, 1946-2021.
The WIDE ARTS NATIONAL ASSOCATION & THE ROTARY CLUB OF OSOYOOS – the Mural Project Partners - are pleased to Introduce the Mural Artist whose design captured our heARTs!!
Endrené is well known in the local arts community. She has studio space in the Long Gallery + Studios in Penticton and has completed several murals, the most visible being the one on the exterior of Tickleberry’s in Okanagan Falls. She grew up in the Okanagan and brings her knowledge and love of the area to her art. Meet Endrené at: http://www.endrene.com
Endrené’s mural, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the incorporation of Osoyoos, will take the viewer through a ‘postcard’ montage of Osoyoos memories spanning 1946 to 2021 including cultural events; desert, lake & mountain locales; the people; wildlife; orchards; vineyards and activities that have made and continue to make Osoyoos a destination of choice.
The mural painting is scheduled to begin on June 21st. We extend our gratitude to everyone who has helped make this possible so far and the list is growing
A plaque announcing all contributors will be mounted on the ‘Mural Wall’ and revealed at a special event later this summer – Date to be announced.
The Rotary Club will be selling ‘Mural Bricks’ in their ‘Building Community – One Brick at a Time’ Campaign – so you too can join in the excitement by ‘owning’ a piece of the mural. Funds raised will help cover costs and go towards the establishment of a Mural Legacy program.
Special thanks are extended to Alex Nunes, building owner, for his support and enthusiasm.
WANA Logo Competition Winner: Erin Carthew!
Hi, I’m Erin! I’m a Spiritual healer whose purpose is to be the divine Feminine and heal within, to assist in restoring balance to the world. Arts & creativity are such a big part of the feminine energy, so when I heard of this association bringing that to life in our community, I had to be part of it. Osoyoos is magical and has captured my heart, it really feels like home to my soul, after travelling the country and originating out of Ontario. As a healer and creator, I offer reiki healing, tarot reading and digital creative services.
Send me a dm on Instagram (@erin_carthew) for services/collabs.
Follow me for tools and inspiration for healers and visionaries who are looking to align energetically and fulfill their soul purpose.
Website www.erincarthew.com
Saturday May 15th 1-3pm
Come celebrate our Gallery grand opening!
Arts society begins grand mural project in Osoyoos!
“Within a few months of becoming an official society, Wide Arts National Association (WANA) has already started their first major project in Osoyoos: a mural. To honour Osoyoos for its 75th anniversary, WANA has joined their efforts with the Rotary Club of Osoyoos to oversee a mural project in the heart of Main Street as a cultural collage of the town.”
Read the full article by clicking the link below!
Image and article by Neha Chollangi

WANA’s MOVE-ment Project has launched!
Murals in Osoyoos Vicinity & Environs (MOVE) has teamed up with The Rotary Club of Osoyoos to install a Mural on the East Wall of the Field’s Store Building adjacent to the BMO parking lot.
Read the full announcement by clicking the button below!!
* Photo displayed in the background is the location of WANA’s first community Mural; Coming Summer 20201!
Calling all creators, WANA is looking for you!!
The Wide Arts National Association (WANA) is looking for a logo to help us launch our new organization with style! WANA is calling ‘creators’ to enter the WANA LOGO COMPETITION to design a logo that will be used on the WANA website, social media sites, business cards, letterhead, posters, or anywhere WANA chooses.
Official Requirements of the Competition:
The contest is open to WANA members only.
The contest is not open to WANA board members or their immediate family members.
Contestants are permitted to work in groups; however, only one (1) prize will be awarded regardless of group size.
Submission Guidelines and How to Enter:
The contest is open form 12:01AM, March 1, 2021 Pacific Standard Time (PST) and closes at 11:59PM April 30th 2021 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
a. Late submissions will not be considered.
b. The WANA Board will review the finalists on May 1st, 2021. Board members will vote and a winner will be selected. The winner will be notified by 5pm May 3, 2021.
All entries must be submitted electronically to info.widearts@gmail.com. Submissions must include the full name(s) of the person(s) who designed the logo including: name, email address, postal code, and telephone number. Please write “WANA LOGO CONTEST” in subject line.
One or more submissions per person is acceptable. Each submission must be sent in a separate email.
There is no fee to enter the contest.
Logo Design Guidelines and Parameters:
The purpose of this contest is to design a logo to be used by WANA. The logo’s design should reflect the MISSION and GOALS of WANA— see below.
The logo should consider as both - being used and identifiable on its own and in combination with the full society name and address to be used as a letterhead.
The logo must be appropriate for a professional organization.
Entries must be submitted as JPEG files. For quality reproduction purposes, the winning entry must later be submitted in scalable vector graphic format (ESP). Color must be CMYK, though the logo may also be produced in black and white. Contestants are advised to avoid gradients and half-tones.
The logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small (as small as 2cm x 2cm) and large scales.
Intellectual Property:
Entrants affirm their submissions are their own original work, have not been copied from others or from previous designs, including their own, and do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
Submissions become the sole property of WANA and may be used for any WANA purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, business cards, letterhead, posters, and other materials.
WANA shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in it’s entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.
WANA reserves the right to choose not to use the winning entry as described in these contest guidelines.
WANA reserves the right to use any other entry for promotional purposes in the future.
If the winner is determined to have violated any rules, they will be required to forfeit or return the prize, even if the determination is made after the prize has been awarded.
Determination of Winner and Prize:
The winning entry will be selected by the WANA Board Members. Their decision will be final and no further correspondence shall be entered into.
Entries will be judged on their visual appeal, adherence to the concept prompting the contest, quality of design, and ease of reproduction for the purposes stated above.
The prize for the winning entry is: (This prize remains the same regardless of the size of the team submitting the winning entry.)
a. $100.00
b. Free WANA Membership for one full year (January 1, 2022- December 31, 2022)
c. A Show (Group Show if a team is entering) in the Wide Arts Gallery (WAG)— date TBD
The winner will be notified via email and announced on the WANA Website, Facebook Page, and Instagram
WANA is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, or otherwise unusable entries, including entries that are lost or unusable due to computer, internet, or electronic problems.
WANA reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest and award the prize by alternate means if fraud or technical failure is determined at any time by WANA, including after the submission window has closed.
WANA is not liable, for the purpose of winner and prize notification and deliver, in the event the contest winner has provided incorrect, outdated, or otherwise invalid contact information.
By entering, participants agree to be bound by these contest rules. Violating any rule or not following instructions may eliminate participants’ eligibility. WANA has the right to disqualify any entrant at any time at its sole discretion.
“Art from the Heart to Lift the Soul”
Who we are:
Incorporated in January, 2021, the WIDE ARTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is an incorporated not-for-profit action-based society that strives to celebrate and inspire the community through the cultivation, preservation, and presentation of performing, visual and literary arts in a variety of formats including but not limited to:
Performing arts— music, circus, festivals and drama performances;
Visual arts- workshops, art walks, studio tours, courses, body art (painting, tattooing and piercing), demonstrations and presentations;
Literary— writing courses, poet laureate program, public readings, storytelling (art of the raconteur), poetry and spoken word;
Artist-in-residence programs;
Emerging Arts and Cross-disciplinary Collaborations— mentorship, astronomy and architecture;
Public Art projects— murals, sculpture; and other as identified;
Children and youth programs.
WANA reaches out across generations, cultures, genders and abilities to provide accessible platforms to lead, animate, participate in, develop and support Arts and Culture Programs and Experiences. We believe in honouring the traditions of the past that inform our future and embrace new ideas and approaches that bring together diverse groups of people who can create new approaches of people who can create new approaches to arts and cultural understanding.
WANA believes that they have an obligation to the community to promote collaboration, engage allies, and encourage participation in the creative process as cultural animateurs.
Cultural Animateur:
The animateur is a community artist who helps people create and celebrate their own culture, drawing freely on the particular aspirations, myths, ethnic or historical heritage that bind them as a community. The animateur is a catalyst and synthesizer, as well as an organizer of work and an imparter of skills. Living and working in the mainstream of community life, the animateur comes to know the community intimately and is accepted as the community’s own. Animation work, by definition, involves people in a process of channeling their own creative energy toward a common goal. The process, as much as the product, enriches community life and imparts a sense of common identity.
“Just plain folks; building culture— rather than just consuming it.” — Peter Reynolds, on Cultural Animation, 1984.